
My books are all available for free and on Amazon. Below you will find links to each.

Smart work beats hard work
Using science to perform better, live healthier and invest money

This book is a synthesis of the foundational knowledge I built at the start of my career. Expect a lot of scientific references, weird self-experimentation stories, and practical tips and products you can implement immediately. It’s more comprehensive than the books below.

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Blockchains are mostly useless
Understanding the limited uses of blockchains

Blockchains are useless for most things, but extremely useful for specific things. This book covers a framework for categorising blockchain applications into “useless hype” and “could be useful”. It’s short and concise. For my fellow nerds: the github repo.

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Nothing Burger
A preparation manual for a 72 hour fast

I’ve done fasts (eating nothing) of multiple days very regularly. If this is something you want to try, this book is a very short and practical guide to what I found useful when fasting.

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